Friday, March 11, 2011

Sponge Cake

This is how my first successful sponge cake looks like!

Well, one can say that baking sponge cake is not as tough as it is but come on, can you make a sponge cake without using baking soda, baking powder or rising flour?

That's the toughest part.

My friend, also a full time mother, has been engaging herself in baking HEALTHY bread and cakes for the sake of her family. Since she has three children, she wanted the best food for them. Best doesn't need to be expensive. Best is something we start from the ingredients.

Nowadays, most people like fast food. Everyone seems to be in a rush and to be fast, food comes in packet and with boiling water, they are cooked in minutes! In fact, some other food might not need to be cooked at all!

OK. Enough of health theory. Back to baking, please...

This friend of mine, has recipe of baking sponge cake without all those powder powder thingy...We are using all the basic ingredients: Plain flour, sugar, water, oil, and egg.

The toughest part is to whisk the egg white with the sugar till the whole thing become fluffy. I know "fluffy" doesn't mean anything to people who have never seen what is "fluffy". Even after seeing "fluffy" for so many times, yet I can't really make a good sponge cake. That was how tough it was!

Anyway, like my friend said, whether the cake rise up or not, let's not be so pressure up. Just celebrate and EAT! It is meant for the family. Who cares about the appearance as long as it is healthy....Right? Most importantly, my son likes it. =)
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