Thursday, March 10, 2011

Multibeans soup as dessert

This is what I had for my supper - a multibeans soup!

Well, it was actually my mom's dinner. She went for a food compatibility test and found that she was allergic to all kinds of grains and bread! So, it ended up that she has to take beans as her main meal.

So, while preparing her dinner, I thought why not I make more of it so that I can eat them too.

There are red, green and black beans. Actually, black beans need to be soaked in the water for at least 30 minutes before cooking them but I was a little lack of time this evening and poured everything into the pot straightaway.

After the water boiled, I turned to low heat to simmer the soup for another 2 hours.

My mom can't take sugar and I had to scoop out her portion before adding 1 1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar into the rest of the soup.

My mom complained of the hard texture of the black beans but I like them! They are crunchy and that gave my teeth some good bites. Although I am not teething, I find biting on something crunchy quite engaging.

To make this soup:
1) 1/2 cup of green beans, 1/2 cup of red beans and 1 cup of black beans
2) 1.5 litre of filtered water (or if you like more water, add in more water)
3) wash all beans and pour into the pot with water
4) cook under high heat till the soup boils
5) turn to low heat & boil for another 2 hours
6) Add in 2 to 3 tablespoons of brown sugar (or to your taste)

Viola! You have something for supper!
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