Saturday, March 12, 2011


Who say children don't like vege? My toddler son likes broccoli. If he comes to the kitchen and see me cutting broccoli, he would go out to play and come in again in minutes to check out whether the broccoli is ready to be eaten.

Once when I sent my son to visit the doctor, I chatted with the nurse. She told me that taking care of children and housechores aren't an easy tasks. She was a full time housewife too but started working again lately. She told me that cooking was one of the major tasks. But I told her that vege need not be fried. They can be cooked with boiling water. She squinted her eyes and gave me a "Yuk!" look. Then, she explained that she had never tasted anything good which are steamed or seethed. She likes all food to be fried, either stir-fry or deep-fried.

I understand that every individual has different taste but I recommend that you try this before saying no.

Cutting broccoli may take quite some time. But you'll find yourself enjoying it later on...I put some chitosan powder into the water to soak the cut broccoli - just as a measure to clean out the chemical used during plantation.

The skin of the broccoli needs to be shredded off because it is hard. I feed my son with the cut stem of the broccoli as I heard a lot about the chemical getting into the flower part of the broccoli. Whatever it is, the choice is yours.
Put a pot of water to boil. Add in some oil, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar into the water.

When the water is boiling, put the clean cut broccoli into the water. Wait till the water boils again. Scoop out the broccoli. Add some soy sauce to taste and the food is ready.

Trust me, it tastes good!
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