Thursday, January 22, 2009

Night Owl

It has been torturing for the past days when I was awaken in the middle of the night due to the heat. Whenever I was awaken, I would have to drink at least a glass of water and turn the fan to higher speed before I could fall asleep again. It would take approximately half an hour to one hour before I could sleep again.

This day, I knew that a good night sleep would be somewhere far from me and have decided to approach my PC for some relaxing moment.

The refreshing cool breeze at 4am is quite a relief. Sitting in front of the PC at 4am was something I did when I was a teen but not anymore ever since I entered varsity. I never like late nights though my friends would think that one who never have had late nights would not have enjoyed singlehood to the most. But after all the long and winding road through the late nights with my PC on ICQ & IRC, I knew that it holds no value in life.

Late night, as it is, does not hold any value nor add any to life. It will just drain away the energy in the body and make one feel exhausted the next day.

Hmm...I think my eyes are tired enough for a good morning nap now...ZzzZZzzz....

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