Monday, January 12, 2009

Millionaire - Part 1

Yesterday I met with a CEO’s wife. Right after my boss called me, I saw a BMW reached the gate. I quickly rushed out to greet the lady. She flashed me a smile and asked, “Alice?” Wearing T-shirt and 3/4 pants, I felt a little embarrassed having to serve her. But she didn’t care much about what I wore. In fact, throughout the conversation, she called me by my name, “Alice, can you…?” or “Alice, do you…?” And last but not least, she remembered to say “Thank you” to everyone involved, even to the least, which people usually left out - the security guards. She made sure that the guard heard her say, “Thank you.”

I believe this is the real Millionaire. To me, a millionaire is being rich at heart. when you treat others well, you’ve won the world. Real millionaire appreciates everyone and never show their arrogance. I believe that ARROGANCE = IGNORANCE.

I remembered window shopping in KLCC with my mom with T-shirt, shorts and slippers. The sales people would stare at us from top to bottom with a typical look. It made me feel inferior. Why would these people treat us like this? They think we don’t deserve shopping in KLCC. Huh! How ignorant! Without customers, these shops won’t last and these sales people would lose their jobs. It goes round and round….whatever you give will come back to you.

Tomorrow, the fair lady is going to bring her CEO husband along for a second visit. I wonder how the CEO is…

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