Friday, July 29, 2011

Our tummy and immune system

For those Mommies out there who have children who are reluctant to eat, you may want to try giving probiotics. Frankly, I've gone through a lot when my son refused to eat all 3 meals a day, I know exactly how it feels when a child refuses to eat. I suggest that Mommies give children probiotics everyday until you see improvement in them. Then, reduce the intake, once every two days. 

I came across an article in The Star Sunday about our tummy and immune system. Our tummy is the largest immune system (80%) of our body. So, it is imperative that we take good care of our stomach. Having good stomach (like daily poo-ing), enough nutrients, etc. will ensure that we have strong immune system. Read the following links for more info. 

Tummy Tales - The Star newspaper

Info on probiotics and immune system

When baby has a strong immune, he/she will not get sick and needless to say, will have appetite to eat like normal kids.

Keep it up Mommies! Don't be disheartened.

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