Monday, July 13, 2015

Bringing up boys

No men are born gay. And even if one insist on being a gay, it can be reversed. Yes, it's this book again by Dr. James Dobson who host Focus on Family. Why are there kids who killed their own parents or ran amok killing his friends in college? For parents who are too busy to read this book, below are some highlighted issues which you may consider when raising your son, a loan from God. Hence, we are very much accountable in raising them in accordance to the truth. 

1) boys need structure, boys need supervision and they need to be civilized. 
2) boys need fatherly figure to emulate especially after the age of 3. 
3) NO ONE IS BORN GAY OR LESBIAN. Dr James dedicated a chapter to explain on the origin of Homosexuality with the support of researches and statistics. Fathers have to do their part to "mirror and affirm his son's maleness". 
4) schools for boys - they just can't sit down unlike girls. Hence, greater patience is needed. 
5) postmodernism - everything in the media is telling our kids what is "good" when it is not. Limit kids access to internet, TV, etc.
6) set the rules and discipline them when they misbehave. Also giving him a measure of self-control and the ability to postpone gratification 
7) Rules without Relationship lead to Rebellion 
8) words can build or break - 5 mins of our communication will determine the rest of it. 
9) Parents have the authority given by God to direct and shape their kids's behavior.
10) Train boys to be respectful and responsible 

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