Monday, June 22, 2015

Let God be our Avenger

It's amazing how kids and adults like Avengers. I asked Isaac why he likes Avengers. 
"Because they have power" was his reply. 

I think the creators of Avengers and other superheroes, like most of us, have a need for someone to help at a certain point of time, thus the creation of these superheroes to uphold justice. But very rarely do we see justice nowadays...

I told Isaac, "Avengers are just movie characters. They don't come out to help people. Avengers mean people who avenge for our suppression. And in real life, God is our Avenger because He asks us not to revenge for ourselves but wait for His time." 

And like King David during his trial time, he waited patiently for God to avenge for him. It'll take me a whole life to learn this lesson - to never bad mouth about anyone who go against me even during suppression - for He sees and hears all.

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