Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is the purpose in life?

When my son gets sick, the world is as if collapsing against me. I feel like it is the time for nightmare. It will end but it comes back every month! The pressure of taking care of my son eats up part of  me and my soul.

Nevertheless, as I stumble upon the book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, I believe life will be different.

The first chapter, "It all starts with God".

There must be a God who created all these: earth, sun, stars, birds, fish, ...., and human! And if I were to know what's my purpose in life, I should be asking God.

As Warren puts it, God is the creator and we are what He created. Only by reading the creator's manual (the Bible) that we are able to understand what the creator creates us for.

Below is how I would be answering Warren's question:
DAY ONE: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?

Frankly speaking, at times I wondered why I was created. I don't understand why I need to be here and go through all the 'tough' things in life. Advertisements, of course, manipulated a large part of our life but then, it didn't do much harm to me, I suppose. Even before I understand or appreciate an advertisement, I already feel lousy about  myself. I feel lousy because my mom kept saying so.

I've been living for myself. If I've been living for God, then, I would be thinking differently. If I've been living for God, I would not have cared about what my mom says but what God has to say, isn't it?

Now, I know that God has a purpose for me, I would lead a purposeful life. I know that 'someone' will appreciate what I am doing even though the people around me see me as a lousy person.

God has a purpose for everyone. If you feel lousy as I do, I suggest you take a look at the book.

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